Wednesday, 5 August 2015

The Mango Gorilla

Cameron, Cullen and Wati used PuppetPal to recreate a play "Too Many Mangoes" by Giselle Fortune from JJ 38. They changed the characters and altered the script to suit the new characters.

What did you enjoy about this play?


  1. Great character changes boys and awesome new skills you are learning
    Mrs Peterson

  2. Great characters because they all had their own special personality. Your changes to the script were hilarious and added to the original story. You have brought the story to life and it sounds professional too. I loved it, well done.

  3. Well done boys,
    I really like how you alternated the characters and how you did this with enthusiasm. I made one of these like 2 years ago and watching them now you feel so embarrassed and you think why you did something like that.

  4. I loved how the wasp got eaten by the thing that was stuck in the mud.
    room 15, Kaliyah

  5. When I look back at the video we did a really good job at it. I agree with lulu we were very shy when Mr wood said he had put it on our class blog.
