Thursday, 10 December 2015

Audit of Our Blog

This is an audit of our blog since the beginning of 2015.
  • How many posts did we write?       43
  • How many comments did you receive from classmates, teachers or overseas students?    392
  • Which post received the most comments?Why do you think that happened?
    Heroes Assembly by Room 12
    Because it had a image of all of our class in our costumes with great big smiles on our faces also a video when it has all of us singing fight song and doing fantastic awesome actions to match the song. So that is why that one has the most comments.
  • Which post do you think was the best of the year and why?    The best one probably had to be our Movember because there were lots of men and teachers growing also wearing fake mustaches which everyone thought was really funny and it is really kind for people to grow them because it raised money for men with cancer.
  • How many widgets do you have? Do you think this is too many or not enough? 10
  • Which web tools did you use to show creativity on your blog?
    Google slides, images, Google Forms, Animoto, Toondo, Wordle, PuppetPals, Screenr (screencasting), Jing (screenshots), Pic Collage
  • How many visitors did we have viewing our blog? Where did they come from?
    2,400: they came from New Zealand, United states, Australia, Philippines, Canada, Serbia, Germany, United Kingdom, Europe, Georgia, Zimbabwe, Oman, Poland, South Africa, Russian Federation, India.
By Jasmine and Ella-Joe