Wednesday, 22 July 2015

The Scienctific Method

This week we learned about THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD. It is how scientists solve problems and do their research. Mr Wood likes to eat apples but found that they go brown quickly when he sliced them. So we used THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD to try find a solution to the problem.

What other problems could would solve?

Sunday, 5 July 2015

School Jingle

This term Room 12 have been using what they learned in music to create their own Otonga Road School jingles. The recording below is of all the students playing theirs in turn. The order is as shown on the whiteboard.

Should we sing along to them too?
What could we do to improve our jingles? 

Thursday, 2 July 2015


We have been learning how to teach others by writing and then recording instructions on the computer. Screencasting is when you record what is happening on your computer screen as well as your voice. Room 12 have been practicing screencasting by teaching others how to create animations in Google Slides. 

Do you think you could learn to animate from our screencasts? 
What other screencasts could we make?